Friendly Battle is basically an arena battle with your friend. To start a Friendly Battle, you need to make sure your friend is on your ranking list. Tap on the “RANKINGS” icon and select the “FRIENDS” tab (leftmost). If your friend is not there, you need to add them first. If your friend is on […]
Category: How to Play?
What are Totems and how to get them?
Totems are permanent rewards for releasing Level 6 dinosaurs into the wild. Totems provide a parameters boost during Arena Battles. To release a dinosaur your pen needs to be filled with dinosaurs of each level (1 to 6). Only then can you release a 6th level dinosaur. Once your pen is full tap on the […]
What is the Shield button in the Battle Arena?
Instead of just attacking, your dino fighters can now defend from enemy attacks. Each action your dinosaur takes can be either an Attack or a Defense. You can mix them during your turn. The defense is performed just like the Attack – by tapping a button at the right moment. If a Defense is successful […]
Why did the slower dinosaur attack first in Battle Arena?
When one of the dinosaurs fighting in a team falls in battle, the remaining fighter gains a one-time speed boost to perform a counter-attack. This effect is marked by sparks coming out of the dinosaur’s feet.
Why a dinosaur can cause more damage than expected in PVP battles?
If a dinosaur caused more damage than expected, it means that the dino was in fury mode. Fury mode is enabled when the player manages to hit that tiny blue area in the progress bar. Works both ways of course!
Battle Cards
Battle Cards are your best friends in Arena Battles. Use them to enable special abilities during the fight. Some cards work on all dinosaurs participating in the battle while others affect only your creatures. Use your cards wisely as each card can only be used once. You can use up to 3 cards in a […]
How to change national flag in Arena battles?
It is not possible to change the national flag manually, but we take the regional settings of your device and display the national flag according to that. It may vary depending on your operating system version but as a general rule on iOS it’s the region and on Android, it’s language selection.
Please note that to start a Friendly Battle, both you and your friend need to open the rankings menu at the same time. Look for a green dot, next to your friend’s nickname and score, to check if they’re available.
What is a Friendly Battle and how can I play one?
Friendly Battle is basically an arena battle with your friend. To start a Friendly Battle, you need to make sure your friend is on your ranking list. Tap on the “RANKINGS” icon and select the “FRIENDS” tab (leftmost). If your friend is not there, you need to add them first. If your friend is on […]
Why are some dinosaurs grayed out?
Sometimes you may encounter a dinosaur that is grayed out. It may happen during the Battle Arena or when visiting a park of your friend. It means that this dinosaur has not yet been unlocked in your game. It may be a completely new dino or higher level than those in your own pen.